SMB Community Podcast – Peer Groups, Interactive Videos, and What’s on Our Radar

SMB Community Podcast
SMB Community Podcast
SMB Community Podcast - Peer Groups, Interactive Videos, and What's on Our Radar
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Through rolling blackouts and timezones, our team prevail for another special all-hosts episode of the Small Biz Community Podcast. 

Before we get into it, we would like to ask our listeners, how wild is too wild New Orleans? Hosts Amy L has your answer!

Segment One: New Amazing Growth-Focused Peer Group from Amy Babinchak and the Quarterly Peer Group with James Kernan

Host Amy B shares with us her latest mentor-led peer group. In today’s episode, Amy discusses her goals for this new venture for business owners looking to find a community with like-minded individuals. 

For more details, check it out here: 

Similarly, Host James’s Quartely Peer Group is mixing business and pleasure at the Mastermind Orlando Event.

We pick Host James’s mind a bit: What’s with MSPs and Florida?

Check it out here: 

Segment Two: Tolstoy

There are a gazillion How To, Where To, and What To videos. Long form videos can be seriously disengaging which can be attributed to the lack of interactions this videos have to offer.

But, hey, remember those Choose Your Own Adventure storybooks? Tolstoy is taking that concept and running with it with their interactive video services. 

Check out NSITSP’S example here:

Segment Three: What’s on Your Radar? 

LastPass – and more end-user confusion…Following the most recent breach, the uncertainty of its survival has been a hot topic. How do we earn the trust of end-users? 

Host Karl’s Annual State of the Nation Address is out now.

Host Jame’s discusses his one page business–efficient for a industry that is rapidly moves forward.

Resources and Links:

Karl’s Annual State of the Nation Address

Dot Com Secrets

Expert Secrets

Sponsor Note: NSITSP

By now you’ve heard of the National Society of IT Service Providers. But why should YOU join? The NSITSP is committed to transforming our Industry into a Profession. They’ve established an industry-wide code of ethics and are working to improve the reputation of IT consultants nationwide.

Wherever anybody is talking ABOUT IT consultants, NSITSP wants a seat at the table. That includes the media, government regulators, and the general public. Take pride in your industry and show off your membership.

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