Take Control and the Customer Experience
This SMB Community Podcast is the fifth in a six-part series entitled Take Control and the Customer Experience, with Dave Sobel, Senior Director of MSP Evangelism at SolarWinds MSP.
In this episode, we touch on many features of the Take Control tool designed to help you improve and manage the Customer Experience with your technology consulting business. Some of these features are built in (and configurable/customizable). Others come into play as a result of agreements or policy decisions you make with the client.
Offline options = Create business-focused policies. e.g., what is “privacy” at each client? Work with the client to help them to create their employee-facing policy regarding monitoring and privacy. And of course you can agree on the level of reporting that clients will receive. In fact, you can use this to help the client set policies about which software you are authorized to uninstall and what kind of reporting they expect regarding their employees’ computing habits.
Dave mentions that you can set higher priority for your managed service clients vs. break/fix clients or folks who aren’t customers yet at all.
As we mentioned in another podcast, you can use the Take Control app to help the client create terms of service. This is great for setting expectations with your primary contact as well as with end users.
Dave explains how you can use Take Control to set up a “help desk” queue so users actually get estimated wait times as well as notices about where they are in the queue. This can relieve end user anxiety and frustration. This can be used for existing clients via a button on your web site. In fact, it can be used for strangers to go through your web site and request help. Dave calls that a “sales lead.”
We also touch on juggling simultaneous sessions, providing client training, focusing on one-to-one communications, getting the most out of the licenses
As always, lots of good information here. Listen today and download a free trial!
Podcasts in this series include:
- What to Look for In a Remote Support Tool
- Making Money – Break Fix vs. Managed Services
- Implementing Your Cloud Services Bundle
- Remote Control – A New Hope for Security
- Manage the Customer Experience/Manage the Customer Relationship (this one)
- Remote Control as the Ultimate Sales Tool
Tune in next Thursday for episode six!
Free test drive of SolarWinds MSP Take Control at https://www.solarwindsmsp.com/products/take-control
Watch the video podcast:
This interview is about 15 minutes.
Audio Listen to the Podcast.
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