Go To Market with Remote Support Service

SMB Community Podcast
SMB Community Podcast
Go To Market with Remote Support Service
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This SMB Community Podcast is the sixth in a six-part series entitled Go To Market with Remote Support Service, with Dave Sobel, Senior Director of MSP Evangelism at SolarWinds MSP.

Dave starts out this episode focusing on using the Take Control tool as a way to differentiate yourself from other service providers. More specifically, he has a great analogy about the place of Take Control in your offering. Rather than “selling” this tool, bundle it with everything you do and sell the total service.

Reporting is a huge component in that differentiation. You can generate a lot of information per-client and per-user. These are great for showing clients what they’re getting for their money. Plus you can access recordings of all sessions, track time, and provide the client with regular tracking information. Even if they never look at these reports, they’ll think it’s cool that you offer them.

The recording option is particularly nice. You can record to the cloud. You can share these recordings with clients. You can add searchable notes, which then allow you to review your actions in detail if necessary.

Dave makes an excellent point that you can move away from fear-based selling that is so common with security products. With Take Control, you can engage clients and prospects with a product that they’ll want to buy. As Dave says, no one likes to be sold, but people love to buy! Show them a cool tool that they will want to have in their company. It’s a great way to get started with SolarWinds Take Control!

If you haven’t seen the entire six-part series, you can binge watch today at SMB Community Podcast.

And if you haven’t signed up for a free trial, please do so today!

As always, your feedback is welcome.


Podcasts in this series include:

Tune in next Thursday for episode six!


Free test drive of SolarWinds MSP Take Control at https://www.solarwindsmsp.com/products/take-control

Watch the video podcast:

This interview is about 15 minutes.

Audio Listen to the Podcast.


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  1. Pingback: Small Biz Thoughts by Karl W. Palachuk: Binge Watch: 6-Episode Series on Making More Money with Take Control

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