
Jennifer Fields and Elizabeth Vanover – Executive Marketing Collective – on IT Marketing Strategies

SMB Community Podcast
SMB Community Podcast
Jennifer Fields and Elizabeth Vanover - Executive Marketing Collective - on IT Marketing Strategies
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In this SMB Community Podcast, I interviewed Jennifer Fields and Elizabeth Vanover from EMC – Executive Marketing Collective – on IT Marketing Strategies. Each of them had a successful marketing business. Then they merged into a bigger, better company focused on helping Managed Service Providers do effective marketing.

They help MSPs find clients and convert them through an amazing variety of techniques. They help you find leads, set appointments, and even help you use the news media to promote your business. If you need telemarketing or custom content, they do that as well!

Marketing is one of the biggest pain points for IT service providers of all sizes. Because they offer such a large variety of services, EMC has a price point for everyone.

Most unexpected info: You can have donuts hand-delivered to your hottest prospects. Talk about a personal touch!



Web Sitewww.executivemarketingcollective.com


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This interview is 30 minutes.

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  1. Pingback: Jennifer Fields, Elizabeth Vanover, and Richard Tubb join the SMB Roadshow - Channel MSP

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